Recently, many of my students under 5 years visited the Toddler Proms of the Sydney Youth Orchestra (SYO). These are held throughout the year at various locations around Sydney.
What a great time we all had together!
Children attend the concerts with their parents and carers, and can choose to sit on the floor close to the orchestra, or on chairs with their parents.
The SYO Toddler Prom was a BUZZ of excitement from start to finish.
I loved the way the concert was so appropriate for young children from babies to 7 years in the following ways:
How exciting was that!
Baby Bear
was represented by the flute
Mother Bear by the saxophone and
Father Bear by the low sounding tuba.
The easiest way to know when the next Proms are on, is to check out my page on Music Events or subscribe to my RSS in the left bar on most pages.
Maybe I'll see you along some time.
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