Online Music Class During this time of
Corona Virus Covid 19

jillsMusic Response to COVID 19

Due to the Corona Virus, JillsMusic will temporarily suspend classes in her Studios, and resume when things have settled.

In the meantime, Jill will stay in touch on-line and is designing her online Class to operate through Video Conferencing.

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In this time of community uncertainty and stress, Singing and Music can bring opportunities for

·       musical moments in the everyday

·       promoting strong connections between parent and child

·       meaningful interactions to facilitate learning across all developmental
        areas with song, rhyme and music.

There is the opportunity for FUN, LAUGHTER and MUTUAL JOY in the spontaneous moments families share.

Watch this ON-LINE space at for Music One-on-One with families through Video Conferencing, Chats, Newsletters, and Facebook Posts to keep you in the music loop and enjoy your day.


Kind regards
Jill Holland

Niland, A. and Holland, J. (2019). Journeys towards empowerment: Educators sharing their musical cultural identities with children. International Journal of Music in Early Childhood, 14(1), 71–88, doi: 10.1386/ijmec.14.1.71_1

Connect - Empower - Inspire with MUSIC

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