Are The Traditional Songs and Rhymes Still Suitable?

Are the traditional songs and rhymes that I used to sing when I was a child still suitable to sing to my baby, toddler and preschool child?

Yes they are!! and this is supported by current research. 

With the advances in technology and the vast amount of digital music available today, it is important to consider the kind of songs, rhymes and singing games we use with our children.

I know my granddaughter loves the games I play with her, many of the traditional. (up to my 64th post!).


From Fiona, mother of a toddler, 2 years:  

The songs are fantastic and my daughter thrives off them, practicing them at home all the time. It also helps me to teach her words, actions, singing and have fun.

Research presented in Corfu Greece at the Early Childhood Music Education Commission, 2012, provided evidence that traditional lap games continue to provide appropriate educational experiences in our rapidly changing society.

I was discussant (facilitator) for this fascinating research paper presented by a lovely young woman, Jessica Perez, from Barcelona, and studying for her PhD with the University of London.

Jessica made conscious the role of the adult and the learning process for the children in a traditional lap game, and supported her work with documentation and video.   She concluded that continuing to play traditional lap games is important in early childhood music education. 

Part of her work included tracking the development of the traditional Catalan lap game, Salta Miralta, in the 2 year old room in which she was a teacher, over time.  She concluded that a sensitive adult can observe the child, and vary the musical elements of the game to meet the learning needs of an individual child – varying the elements of beat, tempo and pauses.  She described how children became participants in their own learning in two way interactions between adult and child.  She observed a wide range of children’s responses from those who benefitted from continued support to those who learnt to play independently.   One child played the game 160 times!  It was certainly popular.

 (Perez, J., 2012, Salta Miralta: A study of the musical mechanisms to adjust interaction between adults and children in a Catalan lap game, Early Childhood Music Education Commission (ECME), Corfu, Greece).

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